Repairs & Alterations

We can repair and/or alter just about anything! Everything from ring re-sizing to chain repairs to replacement stones. The list goes on and on…

Ring Resizing & Shank Repairs

Our expert assistants will measure your finger and we will seamlessly adjust the ring to the required size by either adding/removing a small piece or stretching/compressing the band. We can also measure down to the half size if you’re in between sizes.

Starting Price: £25 for silver, £30 for gold, £45 for white gold and £65 for platinum

Lead Time: 1-3 hours

Stone Replacement & Setting Repairs

We offer expert services in replacing and setting stones, as well as repairing and building up worn settings. Whether you need small shoulder stones or large center stones, we can replace your existing stones or supply new ones, including diamonds, sapphires, and all types of precious stones. Our skilled craftsmen ensure your jewelry is restored to its original beauty and durability.

An in-person inspection is required to give an estimated cost and time frame for this service.

Necklace, Chain & Bracelet Repairs

When a link breaks it can, more of than not, be repaired rather than being replaced. We can solder almost every style of link in almost every metal and we also repair and replace broken clasps.

Starting Price: £8.50 for solders, £10.00 for replacement clasps

Lead Time: 1 hour

And Many More!

Can’t find what you’re looking for? We can repair most things, no matter how unique. You can ask us directly by clicking the link below to our enquiry page.

You can also give us a call on 0151 708 8177 or email us at .